Eyes of London: Queen Raised Giving up on Twitter

British Queen Elizabeth II is ready to scale new heights.
Officials say the queen royal miracle atop the tower of London orbit during a visit to the Olympic Park Saturday.The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, with a panoramic view from the top of the landmark 115-meters (380 feet). The tower - a ruby ​​steel mass shift in comparison with a broken rollercoaster - has divided opinion: some say with courage, others an eyesore. The queen, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Anne - but not the eldest son of Prince Charles, a vocal opponent of modern architecture is edgy. The Royals also is to meet the competitors and staff focus on the athletes' village.

NO-ZONE twitter
What star British gymnast Louis Smith is doing now that has sworn off Twitter; Shaving the head, it seems. Smith, who is to become a crossover star from Great Britain won the first Olympic medal in 80 years in Beijing, showed for the podium training Wednesday on a haircut recently, sporting a military-style flat top. It looks like it has the facial hair, too.Smith said Monday night that he comes away from Twitter for the rest of the games.

Vantage Point
There are always things that happen in the athletes village, but if you have the proper certification may not be able to see this.Consumers shopping center next door, however, found a small window.One of the entrances and lift the front of the village. This means that a fixed number of buyers and loiterers standing in a prime position to view the events.

MUNICH remember
The widows of two Israeli Olympians were killed by Palestinian gunmen in 1972 Hope silence speak volumes of the Munich Olympic Games opening ceremony Friday.Ankie Spitzer and Ilana Romano audience that wants to stand and hold a minute's silence, when the International Olympic Committee chief Jacques Rogge set to speak at the ceremony Friday. They say they want to show that it was wrong to reject Commerce athletes earned the program's website."They were killed at the Olympic center. Will be honored there," said Spitzer, widow of fencing coach Andrei Spitzer, who died in the Munich attack.They collected over 100,000 signatures for a moment of silence and President Barack Obama counts among its supporters.

Accrued Commerce decided against such a moment of silence during the opening ceremony to commemorate 40 years of London to attack by Palestinian gunmen killed 11 Israeli team members. Israeli government officials and the German and the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee asked the Commerce have earned such a relationship.

Many people come to London from abroad, as now going to have less trouble getting into British Association called immediately adjacent to the proposed strike Thursday by immigration staff at Heathrow Airport in London. Authorities feared a strike in pay and job losses will throw the Olympics is in turmoil. Authorities this week called on workers to assess the damage such action would cause the British picture to see the world.

Cartographic Riddle
When it comes to the Olympics, it may be political geography.National Olympic Committee of Georgia fuming over two Russian athletes who were born in what was then the Soviet Republic of Georgia, has described their birthplace as breakaway republic and Georgia does not recognize the international community."The policy should not interfere in sports," says Georgi Asanidze, a member of the Georgia Olympic Games.

Lists of the games official website, where the Russian wrestler Besik Kudukhov birth as "South Ossetia, Russia." The other wrestler birthplace Tsargush Denis, who was born in the town of Gudauta, listed and Russia. Abcáis and South Ossetia out of control spending most of the wars of independence of Georgia in the 1990, but Georgian authorities retained control of swaths of South Ossetia and a little bit of Abcáis until the 2008 war with Russia. Then, Russia recognized their independence, as did Nicaragua, Venezuela and a handful of tiny Pacific nation.

I do this? Would not it? British newspapers have appeared with speculation that Muhammad Ali might have a role in the Opening Ceremony Olympic Games in London Friday.The gold medal was won by 1960 world champion boxing heavy position in the city this week, but there are far too weak to play a big role in director Danny Boyle Friday night.At a ceremony Tuesday, Ali helped on stage and sat mostly motionless. Parkinson's disease has robbed the 70-year-old in a world beating power and fast reflexes and a pretty face frozen in a mask. Ali did not speak during the ceremony.

Among those hoping to watch Ali, however brief, at the Opening Ceremony and Monaghan Tyrone. His father, Paddy, a bare-knuckle boxer, hit a long friendship with Ali, when both were younger. On a visit to Britain, Ali will drop regularly from his home Monaghans »- to drink tea, chat, even with Tyrone spar.

Wesley'S LENS
At least, it has the right to fire home.Between Wednesday at Olympic torch carriers on the streets of London: Rupert Grint, Harry Potter was a loyal friend Ron Weasley in the Potter films.The Grint, 23, who carried the torch for a while at the University of Middlesex shortly after lunch.

On the road again
Wednesday marks the first day is usually aggressive drivers to respect the unpopular London "Games Lanes" - known informally as Gilles strips, after the Russian limousines - or face stiff penalties.There were fears of massive tie-UPS as a two lane highway effectively halved to make way for the "Olympic family" of vehicles allowed to use special lanes, and so moving to operate public transport to avoid inconvenience.

From the A40 motorway in central London in rush hour traffic was lighter than usual, and Gilles lane was completely empty except for a pair of black BMW and a few truck drivers did not mind the message received.As the road spilled Marylebone Road near Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, a large electronic billboard said motorists were free to use the lanes Games at this point, but some crossed the line for the imposition of double-wide, painted solid Road to the Olympic period Games - despite assurances, as was the fear that London traffic cameras cause ubiquitous fined.Eventually, traffic delays and said second signal in all lanes were open, drivers cross the line and normal traffic patterns again.

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