Technology Gender Gap : The data can help us Close the gender gap in technology?

The works to expand women's access to technology and the quality of life for the emancipation of women worldwide to improve. However, despite progress, there are nearly 300 million women still part of the "mobile gender gap," figure is calculated based on women's access to mobile technology in a unique position compared to their male counterparts.

The roadblock to further progress in defining the difference that there is enough data, not just for women, who have problems because the information required to inform smart public policy."In a series of policy areas is extremely important to have good data, because data like good policy," said U.S. Ambassador to the major issues for the World Women Melanne Verveer Mashable.Verveer believes that the mobile gender gap on a range of women, especially those who might benefit - and benefit - from extensive research among the sexes. For example, noted in a study conducted by a partnership between the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the GSMA and the private sector for many years that women - especially women in the "base of the pyramid," Verveer as a set - no access get the mobile technology.

When the available data, followed by initiatives to solve the problem. A mobile access to the gender gap closed a third of the last two years."The reason for this success that we knew that economic development and poverty are directly related to the availability of this technology, especially for women," Verveer said. "For example, in the developing world, mobile technology is used by women entrepreneurs - even if you are illiterate -. Can be used to learn about the weather, find out where the market is, so I think is the most powerful transformational technology for mobile banking is. so many of the world's poor unbanked If you can collect money and transfer funds, which could be extremely important ".

Despite the success of the study supports Verveer still there are huge gaps in knowledge about what we know about the use of women in technology.

"The very necessary to know in terms of internet usage by women," Verveer said. "Underestimate will increase, what does this mean for the twenty first century of progress? In mobile technology, is still a gap between equality."The data close the gap between the sexes as a priority of Secretary Clinton, who last week announced a public-private partnership called "Data2X" to provide means for data collection across sex with their including but not limited to, technology. Data2X encourage researchers to obtain "vital information on gender and economic, political and social situation of women welfare, whether in relation to girls men," according to State Department announcement.

"These figures do not measure, but the encouraging progress," Secretary Clinton said at an event announcing the partnership. "As we learned in this country, what gets measured gets made. When you start measuring problems, people take action to correct them. Any person wishing to come to the end of the league table . "

Data2X has "initial support" from the Hewlett Foundation and USAID, and in cooperation with the United Nations, World Bank, OECD, PARIS21, and Gallup - often each data provider."We need resources to collect new data and to analyze the data we already have published," Clinton said. "We need 21st century tools to make the collection and analysis. As behavioral economics, which examines the social factors, cognitive and emotional impact of those decisions also. Or the huge quantities of data to provide social media. "It can provide more information on women's access to the technology lead to programs that help expand access? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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